Thursday, January 31, 2008

ECA Day (good experience)

31st Jan
today was ECA day as well as my final exams.....
i went to MPH to help out my lcubs right afta exams.....
it was a good experience because u can get to know each other more and interact will other well as u will get 2 know new members in ur clubs.....
i found it very enjoyable ... time passes fast today ......
afta dat, i went to help out Circle-K, which is my favourite club.....i was really za dao by the students....
Circle-K(CK) is a charity club that helpes the unfortunate children....we usually brings them out like lagoon, petrosains, bird park and also pot luck....
when i was promoting our club, 2 girls came and ask me wat is this club about. So i told dem this is about charity.Then their 1st reaction was Charity!?!?! then they run away...OMG hahaha...
almost all the flyers were given out by me today and i felt very proud of myself being so 'talkative' but it's worth coz many ppl were registered to be member of this hahahaha....


31st Jan
Finally it was the last subject in my exam that's ACC 2
walao eh kena cheated by firdous man...she told us this will come out BUT in the end came out another man let me confused and blank minded during the exam....
if i cant passs this subject really have 2 say goodbye to UniSA....
haih hopefully i can successfully pass this subject....In addition, the results will be released b4 CNy zzz.....made me no mood to enjoy haih....


28th Jan....
today was ECS 3 .... walaoeh damn fucked up la....
super d hard ler....i didn't expect will be that hard..if i know i shud have study le =.="
i can't even understand wat the heck is the part 3 comprehension about zzzz....
so i jz tembak all the way.....
i hope i can pass le if not i memang die le....

29th Jan
today i had BST and ECNS Comprehensive.....
i found out BST was quite ok BUT i lost 10 marks coz of the bloody chi square question zzz.....
but overall it was quite ok so i think i have confident can passs this subject hahaha....
then in the afternoon my frens were enjoying shopping ah, playing ah BUT i was suffering coz still have 1 mroe subject in this afternoon....fortunately the questions that came out in the essay i know how to do!!! Thanks to my fren Sandra. She told me this will come out so everyday i only concentrate in that particular lecture. Thank God!!! hahahaha i will pass this subject tooo!!! Hopefully.....

Friday, January 25, 2008

SAKAE i love euuu....

24th Jan 2008

as usual i woke up at 6am reached college by 630am....
and also we took our breakfast at FOH FOH....
that day huisan didnt eat dunno for wat reason.....
she only ate siew mai only and i also ate the same thing....
as usual again we studied at library til 11am we decided to go SAKAE Sushi coz i have rm30 discount kaka.....
we reach there at 11.30(+ parking) and afta we settled down our seats....
we started to order but elyn and princess went to topshop to buy new yr shirt for her baby....walao eh damn red la the shirt and she said 'ew yr ma'.... really za dao man haha....
but wat we disappointed with the restaurant was the workers were VERY DE BLUR!!!
what we have ordered will confirm served less....kik dou zhat zhat tiu.... haha...
but i really pity 1st huisan wanted to seat inside the very corner where we can take the sushi BUT she saw the hot water tap because we can refill the hot water for green tea....and of coz im the only guy that day so i have 2 sit inside like a WAITER to serve the ladies....
huisan sit in the middle and said that's the safest place BUT when i refilled hot water and wanted to pass to elyn, i looked at the menu 'sambil' pass and i din notice that my hand was 'senget' and almost pured on huisan.....damn funny ahaha...
as usual we went back 2 library around 1pm and we continued to study.....
after i get ready 2 go out from the library, my mum called me and asked me 2 fetch my bro from school...OMG it was a 'disaster' coz damn jam that time....
so no choice i continue study til 6pm only departed to fetch my bro....
and the day ended by 6pm....

Shopping or Study?

22nd Jan 2008

As usual i woke up at 6am to prevent traffic congestion and i reached at 630am....of coz i will sleep in the car til my frens arrive....
they arrived almost by 730am and we went to eat breakfast at 'old place' : 'foh foh' kaka and afta that we went to library 2 study....
we study from 830am til 11am and afta that we went to pyramid Manhamtan's to eat...FINALLY i get to eat that, there is only 4 of us, Jo, HS, janice and me....
we ordered Platter for 2s and platter for 1 .... wah damn full man but it was delicious....
haha afta that we went back to library to continue study and me and huisan finally finishes 3 sets of BST questions and we went back around 4pm.....

Good Boy? Thank you daddy mummy!!

21st Jan 2008

Hui San ajak me to library to study for final exams....they waited for me til 10am and i was late....lolz paiseh...
i didn't eat anything and we went to 4th floor for IELTS speaking test...
i felt nervous when 3.4 ppl told us that it's harder than our trial speaking....
my speaking is on the coming Friday....and i felt nervous since today until Friday lolz...
after that, we went to library to study and hui san were doing past yr questions while my friends were doing tutorial questions... OMG, i took 1 hr to complete PART of the 7 questions zzz.....sei fo lor i was thinking that how am i gonna to do it during final kaka....
afta that we went to Pyramid to have lunch....i suggested to go Manhamtan's Fish Market...but Kelly doesnt like 2 eat last we decided to eat BBQ plaza but we seperated to eat coz tutu kelly jo an dun eat can say so me and huisan eat all those beefs lolz....
before that we said we willl be there only for 2 hrs...BUT as we know, shopping is the world of girls....of coz when they saw the cute thingee stuffs, they like mad girl and bought alot like mickey mouse la, hello kitty la, monkey la....LOL i tot they will go back afta that BUT AGAIN when we passed by Hello World, they went in and saw birthday bears and again like mad girl buy Buy BUY and BUY!!!!
swtness man.....u will know wat's that when u visit huisan's blog ( kakaka....
we finally reached back library at 2 pm and continued study....

after i reached home....while i was watching mum came back and brought me a suprise which is a new Handphone , Nokia 6500 slide......i like it very much although it's not N95 8GB keke....

It's stainless steel cover and back cover kaka....i really like it very much, thx dad and mum
Wah!! hu's that in the pic? Leng chai and Leng Luis ^^

Friday, January 18, 2008

Last day of TBF....

today was the last day of foundation in TBS le....
stepping into UniSA SOON hahaha.....
haih many of my classmates leaving me soon~~~~~ one 'pei' me in degreee haih....pity-nya me hahaha........
haih wanna 2 take whole class pic with mr. wilson geh but no ppl hold suan le ....

Then this is esther's 'yi zhao' wat a stupid face =.=" hahaha

esther said this is my 'yi zhao' handsome geh =x

wah im like a boss, asking ppl 2 work for me =.="

Stupid Malay MPSJ PIG!!!

damn fucked up today in the morning....
when i was resevring parking for one of my fren....a mpsj malay aunty parked behind of me....when my fren reach and i wanted to get off to that lot, the MALAY PIG quickly park her car forward into the lot i reserved....
MALAY PIG is really MALAY PIG....
i wonder y is she really a malay? she doesn't understand MALAY man haih....
damn sad for her parents la....
really pity her parents got such a STUPID daughter...haih....i wonder nxt time her kids also same as her? LOLx!!!!

BST test result

Today we got back our BST test paper....OMG i was like WTF....i did careless mistakes....
if not i would have gud results =.="
summore final exams are around the corner....i cannot fail any subject if not have 2 repeat sem 3....zz....
damn scare ler coz ranee also said we will fail out IELTS if we couldn't understand the essay prompt and question....
haih couldn't imagine wat if i
i hope tht i can pass all subjects and be friend with UNISA wahahaha...=.="

guyz, let me intro u to this...she's KYMS....wat a stupid face =.=" kaka....

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Happy Birthday LYT!!!!

7th of Jan
it was LYT's birthday...we bought few presents BUT i 4got to capture it!!!
Damn IT!!!!
1st we went to Carbana to eat our lunch(we are loyal to it =p)
the we went to neway to celebrate and gave her a SUPRISE birthday!!!
we were very happy that day but some of us are switching college....but our frenship will nvr ends ^^
What a waste man that day we're suppose to sing from 1-6 but unfortunately we didnt know that...we tot it was from 1-3 haha.....
so we wasted 2 hrs haha.....
but that day we were relly happy!!
Once again Happy Birthday LYT!!!!
We Love You!!!
happy birthday LYT!!!

this is really's a hard work...

the 4eva frens of mine....

birthday gurl with us.....

me and LYT!!!! did u notice tht this pic is the biggest among all? LOL

celebrated her birthday at Neway

MCD Visit....

it was on Monday, the 14th of Jan....i arrived in the very early morning JUST to RESERVE PARKING for my fren....zzz summore nvr thank me tim >.<

summore DARE 2 ask me reserve again zzz...sad la those ppl are like that d got bf liao duwan fren.....haih....

SO we planned to visit MCD on that reason i wanted to go there was to buy the little BEAR!!!! i know 'you' like blue color so i went there twice to buy u one more....but unfortunately i can get 1 for u but can't get one for me T.T kaka...

it is cute isn't it?

i have one and u have one ^^

Mid term exams....

After mid-term exams finished W/O break, we went back to college on Wed and we got back our ECS paper from Ranee....
OMG!!! i didn't expect i will get such a 'HIGH' marks...10.35 =.="
SO HIGH heh the marks....but what a pity many ppl FAILED that paper wahahaha....
so pityful man hahaha.....
AND our Pro tutor said that many ppl will fail in final thinking that m i the one of them??
really scare la if fail den UNISA will say BYEBYE to me....NO~~~~~~!!!
SO in conclusion, if i fail my COMPRE subjects i will get an equation

Happy can go out with u....

It's was around October before we had our final exams for sem 2...tht time was our study break, me, jan, hui san, chel, kok ho and c.j were studying at the library since monring.Then we went to Pyramid for lunch and a movie. damn happy can go out with u ^^

huisan, me, chel and jan eating at the food was so d'licious...

chel me and huisan waiting for jan outside toilet....